Flame-colored Tanager
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The Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga Bidentata), also known as the Stripe-backed Tanager, is a medium-sized American songbird. This captivating orange-colored bird is widespread in the mountains of Mexico and across Central America to Northern Panama. Its preferred habitats include humid evergreen forests, oak, and pine-oak forests in the mountains.
Males primarily have flame red-orange body, with dusky stripes on the back, and black wings with prominent white wing bars and black-streaked back. Females are olive-green above with dusky streaks, olive-yellow below, and have black wings.
Bullock's Oriole
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The Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii) is a small bird, widespread and common in the American West. It is found in open woodlands and tall trees along rivers and streams. In general, adults measure 22 cm (8.7 in) and weigh from 29 to 43 g (1.0 to 1.5 oz). Adults have a pointed blue-gray bill and dark wings; long, square, and jet black tail. Males are slightly bigger and more brightly colored than females. Feeds on insects, caterpillars, fruits and berries.
Adult males have mostly deep orange plumage. Black throat, caps, back, and wings with white wing-patches. a black throat patch and a white wing bar. Rump and underparts orange-yellow to yellow. Black tail has orange outer feathers.
Adult females, by contrast, have an olive brown crown, back, head and tail. Yellowish or dull greenish gray underparts, becoming paler on the belly. They lack the large white wing-patches, but do have two white wing-bars on each side.
Brown-winged Kingfisher
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The Brown-winged Kingfisher (Pelargopsis amauroptera) is a Tree Kingfisher found in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. This beautiful kingfisher range include subtropical or tropical mangrove forests, mudflats, estuaries and brackish creeks. The Brown-winged Kingfisher is classified as Near Threatened (NT) due to habitat loss.
In general, adults measure 35 cm (14 in) and weigh 162 g (5.7 oz). A large coastal kingfisher with an orange-buff on the head and underparts and huge red bill. Brilliant blue rump, dark brown back, wings and tail.
White-crowned Robin-chat
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The White-crowned Robin-chat (Cossypha albicapilla), also known as White-crowned Robin, is widespread and common in West African countries including Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo. The species is found in woodlands, gallery forests, moist shrublands, and dry savannahs.
This captivating orange-colored bird is the largest of the 14 species of robin-chat. Adults measure 3–27 cm (1.8-10.7 in) and weigh 53–65 g (1.8-2.3 oz). It has a black head with a conspicuous white crown and nape. Blackish upperparts; orange rump and tail. Black back, cheeks, and wings.
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The ʻAkepa (Loxops coccineus) is a highly endangered Hawaiian forest Honeycreeper. The species live high up in the Hawaiian forest and rainforest, from 1,500 to 2,200 meters above sea level. They prefer nesting in small tree cavities. The akepa feed mainly on spiders and insects it finds within the trees it lives in.
It is a small, finch-like bird that measures around 10 cm (3.9 in) in length with 59 to 69 mm (2.32 to 2.72 in) wingspan. Mature weighs around 10 to 12 g (0.35 to 0.42 oz). In general, the species have rounded heads, black eyes, wings & tail.
Adult male sports brilliant red-orange plumage with brown wings and tail. Its straw-yellow bill makes it stand out in its green habitat.
Adult female carries dull greyish-green plumage with a yellow orange tinge on its breast.
Rufous-bellied Niltava
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The Rufous-bellied Niltava (Niltava Sundara) is a large, stocky flycatcher common in the Himalayas in the west to southern China in the east. The species prefers evergreen and mixed conifer and deciduous forests. Its diet includes insects and ripe fruits.
This brightly-colored bird measures 15–18 cm (6-7.8 in)long and weighs around 19–24 g (0.6-0.85 oz).
In general, Rufous-bellied Niltava has rounded head, orange underparts, fairly short tail and broad-based bill.
Streak-backed Oriole
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The Streak-backed Oriole (Icterus pustulatus), also known as Flame-headed Oriole, is a medium-sized passerine bird native to Central America and Mexico. Its natural habitat includes grasslands, woodlands, savannahs, and shrublands. Eats mostly insects.
Adults measure 220 cm (87 in) in length with a wingspan of 110-118 mm (3.23-4.65 in). Weigh 85 g (3 oz).
Males with mostly bright orange body, deep orange-red head and black face, chin and wings. Also, black wings with two bold white bars. Males are much brighter in color than females.
Orange Fruit Dove
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The Orange Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus Victor), also known as Flame Dove, is a small, short-tailed fruit-dove widespread in New Guinea, Fiji islands, and western Papuan Islands. The species inhabits mangroves, lowland rainforest, and secondary forest. It feeds on small fruits, berries, caterpillars and insects.
In general, the Orange Fruit Dove measures 20–22 cm (7.8-8.6 in) and weighs about 105–112 g (3.7-3.9 oz).
This striking bird carries mainly green plumage with a large orange patch on the belly and breast; and vent yellow or white, marked with green undertail-coverts. The legs and bill are bluish-green in color.
The male sports a golden olive head and elongated bright orange "hairlike" body feathers.
The female is mainly dark green with blackish tail and orange-yellow undertail coverts.
Flame Bowerbird
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The Flame Bowerbird (Sericulus aureus) is a medium-sized Bowerbird endemic to New Guinea. It is found in lowland and foothill rainforests and flat savannahs. Because of the male's captivating orange-colored plumage, the species was previously thought to be a bird of paradise.
There are two distinct subspecies of Flame Bowerbird, Sericulus aureus ardens from southwestern New Guinea characterized by male's orange face; and Sericulus aureus aureus from northwestern New Guinea with male having black face.
Adult Flame Bowerbird measures 25 cm (9.8 in) long and weighs about 120-140 g (4.3-5 oz).
The male sports fiery orange and golden yellow plumage. It has yellow-tipped black tail. The female has olive brown upperparts and golden yellow underparts.
Madagascan Pygmy Kingfisher
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The Madagascan Pygmy Kingfisher (Corythornis madagascariensis) is a River Kingfisher that is endemic to Madagascar. The species prefers dry deciduous forests, savanna woodland, and edge of wet evergreen forests.
This tiny beauty is characterized by its its bright Rufous upperparts, lilac underparts up to its uppertail-coverts and distinctive bill shape.
Adult measures 13 cm (5.1 in) in length and weighs from 17–21 g (0.6-0.75 oz).